Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Fluid Thoughts to Actions
-Group Collaborative Work
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Workshop 2 - Fluid Thoughts to Actions
Sydney Opera House
use of dark and light charcoal drawing techniques to highlight the surfaces
movement of position
Description of Space
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Workshop 1 - Architecture in Motion
A ‘mirror’ is defined as ‘an object with a surface that has good specular reflection that is smoothenough to form an image. It is commonly used for personal grooming, decoration and architecture.However I describe a mirror somewhat differently. I look at a mirror and image. I Imagine about anythingfrom my future to anything that may happen with what I see through the mirror.From this understanding I used mirror in the stop motion film as an object that reflects my bedroom.Each frame has a wooden frame of a mirror. I used reflections from the mirror to capture each framesof different objects and furniture of my bedroom.The idea of this stop motion film is that the photos taken by the reflection is in fact my imagination andphotos that are normally taken is the actual ‘state’ of my bedroom (In the film it is not clean. There areclothes lying around on my bed).In the first sequence the reflected image of my bedroom door opens which signifies my entrance intomy ‘imagery’ world. As the door opens a character appears however its eyes fall out and transformsinto a tadpole.The color of my bed is blue and as the bedding approaches it appears to be water that is rushing in.In the next sequence, the images are back to my real images (no imagination). My bed is untidy withclothes.The final sequence shows reflecting images from my mirror. It appears that the clothes are ‘walking’into the closet, ‘automatically’ cleaning my room.
Initially my idea was to use ‘light’ as a source of representing my bedroom and its connection to variousobjects in my room. However this concept was very difficult to convey through the stop motionfilm.The new concept of ‘mirror’ also conveys some interesting images of my bedroom. The representationof what I am actually seeing and what I am imaging through a mirror was good.Elements that worked out are:- The use mirror to convey my ideas- The use of models (clothes and actual frame of the mirror)However things that did not work out are:- It was difficult to capturing images of reflecting images of my bedroom- The connections between sequences are not strong- Although there is a narrative to the stop motion film, I think it does not have the ‘wow’ factor- The drawing component of my film needs an improvement probably using more colours and orcharcol.What I would do differently:- Use lighting effects on top of the current idea to strongly differentiate the actual world andimaginative world.- Perhaps I can add music to create an atmosphere and mood to the film.